A limiting belief is one that causes life to be less than completely satisfying.
The first thing we need to do is to identify the limiting beliefs we have.
the truth is that we all have limiting beliefs, and the reality is that most of them are irrelevant . For now we are only going to focus on the limiting beliefs that have the greatest impact in your life , then you can deal with the others.
We recomend you to exzmine how you’re doing in the following areas:
- Finance:
- Are you feeling financial pressure or financial freedom in your life?
- Do you have the things you need and want?
- Do you have the income you desire?
- Relationships:
- Are you satisfied with your relationships?
- Examine your most intimate relationships as well as your relationship with your friends, and co-workers.
- Health:
- Are you taking good care of yourself?
- How is your weight?
- Do you go to the doctor regularly for checkups?
- Leisure:
- Are you doing all the things you want to do? Do you want to learn to play the guitar but never have?
- Any other aspect of your life in which you’re experiencing dissatisfaction. Think about any other areas of your life where you’re less than satisfied. If you’re not pleased with your life, a limiting belief could be the cause.
Make a list of all of your beliefs,and Identify the beliefs that are holding you back. Think about which beliefs are having the greatest negative impact on your life.
One way to do this is to:
consider how your behavior would change if that belief were eliminated from your life. Genuinely examine them and consider the change that your life would experience if you weren’t held back by that belief.
# Put those negative beliefs in order.
Start with the limiting belief that you feel is creating the most challenge in your life.Put them all in order from the belief having the greatest negative impact to the least.It makes sense to spend your time where it’s going to do the most good.Prioritizing your time is always a valuable strategy.
Now that you have a list of your limiting beliefs and have them in order, it’s time to start dealing with them.
Step 1: Write the limiting belief down. Play detective and follow your thoughts and emotions to discover the limiting beliefs that hold you back. Put them on paper and stare them in the face! You might note how strong each belief is and what emotions they elicit in you.
Step 2: Acknowledge that these are beliefs, not truths! This is often the hardest step. “But, but, my limitations are real!” Here’s the place where choice comes in. Which are you more interested in: defending your limitations to the death or achieving your goals and desires? As author Evelyn Waugh wrote, “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.” You choose.
Step 3: Try on a different belief. Use your imagination and try on a belief that is aligned with what you want. It might be something like, “My financial difficulties in the past have taught me so much that I’m fully prepared to handle them now!” Or, “Now that I’ve been in an unhealthy relationship I’ve learned what to look for in a happy, loving partner!”
The trick is to go beyond just saying it. You want to really step into this new belief and feel how it feels. Done thoroughly, Steps 2 and 3 will go a long way to dismantling your old limiting decision.
Step 4: Take different action. This might feel scary, but act as if your new belief is true. In other words, if you really are the kind of man women adore, how would you act at parties? Who might you ask out? If you really are capable and have learned a tremendous amount from past financial difficulties, what steps would you take? If you really are the kind of person who eats healthy food, what will you put in your grocery cart?
If you avoid taking any steps based on your new belief, you will just feed your old limiting belief. Taking action, even the smallest step, will help solidify your new un-limiting decision. Your first steps don’t have to be perfect, just headed in the right direction. And be sure to acknowledge yourself when you’ve taken that step.
Hope this is helpful
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